Faith for 2016
“For with God, nothing will be impossible.”
Yesterday I was on the phone with a friend. She's the kind of friend that you look forward to talking to and spending time with; the kind of friend that when you leave the conversation you feel like your bucket has just been filled. During our conversation we were talking about things that we felt like God was putting on our hearts to seek Him for this year. Her word was faith. She began to explain to me why her word was faith for the year and I listened with an open heart. When we hung up the phone God began to stir in my heart about this word faith.
How many times in our lives do we let the disappointments of life dictate the size of our faith? We let the mundane, normalcy of life define who God is and how He will move in our lives and the lives of those around us. Unanswered prayers seem to solidify our belief that "just getting by" is enough for us. We see God moving in the lives of others, doing miracles on their behalf and we wonder, “When will it be my turn?” We have moments of joy and peace and overcoming faith, but those seem to be moments far from our day to day duties.
During this first month of the year I believe that God is asking us to enlarge our faith for 2016. He's not asking us to muster it up on our own. He's asking us to enlarge our faith based on the WORD OF GOD.
God says in Luke 1:37 that nothing is impossible with Him. These are His words, not mine. They depict who God really is. We need to start letting the truth of God's word define Him, not the situations around us. You see, women, it's high time for us to rise up and dive into the word of God like never before. He wants to resurrect the hope of His promises in your life this year. It's time to get so intimate with Him that no matter what our circumstances say around us, we know who God really is and we take Him at His word. We can't afford to believe in anything less than the truth of His word.
I believe that this year is going to be a year marked by miracles in your faith, family, ministry and lives. I believe that every set back is going to be a set up for the testimony you will get to share to impact those around you with the love and mercy of God. I believe that this year we are going to get to know God in ways that we have only dreamed about. I believe that this year nothing will be wasted in your life. How can I be so sure? Because I know that that's the God that we serve. That's what God does. That's who He says He is. If we can just have the faith to believe Him, the eyes to see things from His perspective and a deep trust in our God who is more than able - we will see the hand of God in our lives like never before.
I'm praying this over our lives for 2016. It's time to enlarge our faith.
- Jamie